
Big Horn General Stream Adjudication Symposium


In his book about the Big Horn and Wind River systems, author Geoffrey O’Gara notes:

There are certainly bigger river systems in the world than the Wind, rivers that have carried the ships and powered the turbines of great empires. But this small watershed has its unique historic knots to unravel, and its twists and turns lead the way through a struggle that has been going on for centuries, . . . .

Geoffrey O'Gara, What You See in Clear Water: Indians, Whites, and a Battle Over Water in the American West 6 (2000).

This special section of the Wyoming Law Review not only unravels some of the knots in the nearly four-decade adjudication, but also leads the reader to consider the future of the Big Horn River system alongside general stream adjudications.

The 2014–2015 Editorial Board is pleased to present this special section on the Big Horn General Stream Adjudication. This publication is an outgrowth of the Big Horn Symposium Conference, which took place in Riverton, Wyoming on September 10–12, 2014, and it would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of the Steering Committee.

The Wyoming Law Review would like to thank Jason Robison, Gary Collins, Mitch Cottenoir, Deb Donahue, Sam Kalen, Ramsey Kropf, Larry MacDonnell, Anne MacKinnon, Nancy McCann, and Sara Robinson. A special thank you, as well, to Interim Dean Jacquelyn Bridgeman, who continuously supported such a significant and unique compilation of water law scholarship. Also, we would like to thank Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation’s Grants Program whose generosity was instrumental in bringing such a successful issue to fruition.



Case Notes

Special Section