Submissions from 2025
The Small Business Dilemma, Rachel G. Ngo Ntomp
Submissions from 2020
Thinking in Circles: Using OODA to Sharpen Legal Analysis, Kenneth D. Chestek
All the World's a Platform?: Some Remarks on 'Marketplace Platform' Employment Laws, Michael C. Duff
Submissions from 2019
Disclosing deviations: Using guidelines to nudge and empower physician-patient decision making, Melissa Ballengee Alexander
Of Metaphors and Magic Wands: Are Corporations Really People?, Kenneth D. Chestek
Broken Platforms, Broken Communities? Free Speech on Campus, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Having Your Cake and Eating It Too? Religious Freedom and LGBTQ Rights, Stephen Matthew Feldman
The Politics of the Law-Politics Dichotomy, Stephen Matthew Feldman
The Word that Cannot be Spoken: Notes from the Jurisprudential Underground, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Boilerplate in Pour-Over Wills, Mark Glover
The Location of Holographic Wills, Mark Glover and Kevin Bennardo
The Riccobono Seminar of Roman Law in America: The Lost Years, Timothy G. Kearley
Confronting the Twenty-First-Century Marian Examination, Lauren McLane
Contracting for Sustainable Surface Management, Tara Kathleen Righetti
Siting Carbon Dioxide Pipelines, Tara Kathleen Righetti
The Incidental Environmental Agency, Tara Kathleen Righetti
Submissions from 2018
Fear and Loathing in Persuasive Writing: An Empirical Study of the Effects of the Negativity Bias, Kenneth D. Chestek
How the U.S. Supreme Court Deemed the Workers' Compensation Grand Bargain 'Adequate' Without Defining Adequacy, Michael C. Duff
Nothing New Under the Sun: The Law-Politics Dynamic in Supreme Court Decision Making, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Postmodern Free Expression: A Philosophical Rationale for the Digital Age, Stephen Matthew Feldman
The Return of the Self, or Whatever Happened to Postmodern Jurisprudence?, Stephen Matthew Feldman
The Timing of Testation, Mark Glover
A Close Reading of an Excellent Distant Reading of Heller in the Courts, George A. Mocsary
The Dynamic Duo of Consumer Protection: State and Private Enforcement of Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices Laws, Dee Pridgen
Submissions from 2017
Autonomy and accountability: Why informed consent, consumer protection, and defunding may beat conversion therapy bans, Melissa Ballengee Alexander
Fear and Loathing in Persuasive Writing: An Empirical Study of the Effects of the Negativity Bias, Kenneth D. Chestek
Are Workers' Compensation 'Alternative Benefit Plans' Authorized by State Opt out Schemes Covered by ERISA?, Michael C. Duff
The Role of Energy Models: Characterizing the Uncertainty of the Future Electricity System to Design More Efficient and Effective Laws and Regulations, Dalia Patino Echeverri, Temple Leigh Stoellinger, Tara Kathleen Kathleen Righetti, Kipp Andrew Coddington, and Robert Godby
A Plea for Constitutional Balance, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Can Law Be a Source of Insight for Other Academic Disciplines?, Stephen Matthew Feldman
A Social Welfare Theory of Inheritance Regulation, Mark Glover
Indigenous Water Justice, Daniel McCool, Sue Jackson, Jason Anthony Robison, Kelsey Leonard, and Barbara A. Cosens
Evolution of Water Institutions in the Indus River Basin: Reflections from the Law of the Colorado River, Daniel McCool, Jason Anthony Robison, and Erum Sattar
Guns, Bird Feathers, and Overcriminalization: Why Courts Should Take the Second Amendment Seriously, George A. Mocsary, GWU Law RPS Submitter, and Robert J. Cottrol
Correlative Rights and Limited Common Property in the Pore Space: A Response to the Challenge of Subsurface Trespass in Carbon Capture and Sequestration, Tara Kathleen Righetti
Submissions from 2016
A Hundred Years of Excellence: But Is the Past Prologue? Reflections on the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act, Michael C. Duff
Worse than Pirates or Prussian Chancellors: A State's Authority to Opt-Out of the Quid Pro Quo, Michael C. Duff
Fighting the Tofu: Law and Politics in Scholarship and Adjudication, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Is the Constitution Laissez-Faire? The Framers, Original Meaning, and the Market, Stephen Matthew Feldman
(Same) Sex, Lies, and Democracy: Tradition, Religion, and Substantive Due Process (With an Emphasis on Obergefell v. Hodges), Stephen Matthew Feldman
Freedom of Inheritance, Mark Glover
In Defense of the Harmless Error Rule's Clear and Convincing Evidence Standard: A Response to Professor Baron, Mark Glover
Probate-Error Costs, Mark Glover
From Rome to the Restatement: S.P. Scott, Fred Blume, Clyde Pharr, and Roman Law in Early Twentieth-Century America, Timothy G. Kearley
Freedom of Corporate Purpose, George A. Mocsary
The Colorado River Revisited, Jason Anthony Robison
Submissions from 2015
Denying the Dyad: How criminalizing pregnant use harms the baby, taxpayers and vulnerable women, Melissa Ballengee Alexander
Livestock Production, Climate Change, and Human Health: Closing the Awareness Gap, Debra L. L. Donahue
The Cowboy Code Meets the Smash Mouth Truth: Meditations on Worker Incivility, Michael C. Duff
Chief Justice Roberts's Marbury Moment: The Affordable Care Act Case (NFIB v. Sebelius), Stephen Matthew Feldman
Conservative Eras in Supreme Court Decision-Making: Employment Division v. Smith, Judicial Restraint, and Neoconservatism, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Constitutional Interpretation and History: New Originalism or Eclecticism?, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Democracy and Dissent: Strauss, Arendt, and Voegelin in America, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Diagnosing Power: Postmodernism in Legal Scholarship and Judicial Practice (With an Emphasis on the Teague Rule Against New Rules in Habeas Corpus Cases), Stephen Matthew Feldman
Do the Right Thing: Understanding the Interest-Convergence Thesis, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Exposing Sunstein's Naked Preferences, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Felix S. Cohen and His Jurisprudence: Reflections on Federal Indian Law, Stephen Matthew Feldman
From Premodern to Modern American Jurisprudence: The Onset of Positivism, Stephen Matthew Feldman
History and Interpretation, Stephen Matthew Feldman
How to Be Critical, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Indigents in the Federal Courts: The in Forma Pauperis Statute -- Equality and Frivolity, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Modernity, Religion, and the Public Sphere, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Playing with the Pieces: Postmodernism in the Lawyer's Toolbox, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Preemption and the Dormant Commerce Clause: Implications for Federal Indian Law, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Principle, History, and Power: The Limits of the First Amendment Religion Clauses, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Republican Revival/Interpretive Turn, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Supreme Court Alchemy: Turning Law and Politics into Mayonnaise, Stephen Matthew Feldman
The Developing Test for State Regulatory Jurisdiction in Indian Country: Application in the Context of Environmental Law, Stephen Matthew Feldman
The End of the Cold War: Can American Constitutionalism Survive Victory?, Stephen Matthew Feldman
The Interpretation of Constitutional History, or Charles Beard Becomes a Fortuneteller (with an Emphasis on Free Expression), Stephen Matthew Feldman
The New Metaphysics: The Interpretive Turn in Jurisprudence, Stephen Matthew Feldman
The Persistence of Power and the Struggle for Dialogic Standards in Postmodern Constitutional Jurisprudence: Michelman, Habermas, and Civic Republicanism, Stephen Matthew Feldman
The Politics of Postmodern Jurisprudence, Stephen Matthew Feldman
The Supreme Court in a Postmodern World: A Flying Elephant, Stephen Matthew Feldman
The Transformation of an Academic Discipline: Law Professors in the Past and Future (or Toy Story Too), Stephen Matthew Feldman
Whose Common Good? Racism in the Political Community, Stephen Matthew Feldman
A Taxonomy of Testamentary Intent, Mark Glover
Minimizing Probate-Error Risk, Mark Glover
The Solemn Moment: Expanding Therapeutic Jurisprudence Throughout Estate Planning, Mark Glover
Transmission and Transport of Energy in the Western U.S. and Canada: A Law and Policy Road Map, Nick Lawton, Sam Kalen, Tara Kathleen Righetti, K.K. DuVivier, U of Denver Legal Studies Legal Studies RPS Submitter, Stephen R. R. Miller, Melissa Powers, Amelia Schlusser, Nate Larsen, and Troy A. Rule
Submissions from 2014
The Mismatch Hypotheses in Law School Admissions, Gregory Camilli, Chu Chia-Yi, Colorado Law RPS Submitter, Ann Gallagher, and Darrell D. Jackson
Of Reptiles and Velcro: The Brain's Negativity Bias and Persuasion, Kenneth D. Chestek
The Sunset of Affirmative Action? City of Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co., Christopher H. Davis and Darrell D. Jackson
ALT-Labor, Secondary Boycotts, and Toward a Labor Organization Bargain, Michael C. Duff
The Heiligenstadt Testament: Beethoven's Therapeutic Estate Planning Experience, Mark Glover
Sander, the Mismatch Theory, and Affirmative Action: Critiquing the Absence of Praxis in Policy, Darrell D. Jackson
Understanding Public Perceptions of Affirmative Action, Darrell D. Jackson, Michele S. Moses, and Michele S. Moses
The Enigma of Samuel Parsons Scott, Timothy G. Kearley
Insuring Against Guns?, George A. Mocsary
Statistically Insignificant Deaths: Disclosing Drug Harms to Investors (and Patients) Under SEC Rule 10b-5, George A. Mocsary
Wrecking Ball Disguised as Law Reform: ALEC's Model Act on Private Enforcement of Consumer Protection Statutes, Dee Pridgen
Colorado River Water in Southern California: Evolution of the Allocation Framework, 1922-2015, Jason Anthony Robison
Wyoming's Big Horn General Stream Adjudication, Jason Anthony Robison
Arizona v. California & the Colorado River Compact: Fifty Years Ago, Fifty Years Ahead, Jason Anthony Robison and Lawrence J. MacDonnell
The Sociological and Cognitive Dimensions of Policy-Based Persuasion, Michael R. Smith
Submissions from 2013
The Life of the Law Has Not Been Logic: It Has Been Story, Kenneth D. Chestek
What Brady v. N.F.L. Teaches About the Devolution of Labor Law, Michael C. Duff
Decoupling the Law of Will-Execution, Mark Glover
Rethinking the Testamentary Capacity of Minors, Mark Glover