Submissions from 2013
Timely Filing in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Cases: Does Rule 3002(C)'s Deadline Apply to Secured Creditors?, Mark Glover
Wilhelm Kroll's Preface to Justinian's Novels: An English Translation, David J.D. Miller and Timothy G. G. Kearley
Submissions from 2012
Competing Stories: A Case Study of the Role of Narrative Reasoning in Judicial Decisions, Kenneth D. Chestek
Adapting to Climate Change on Western Public Lands: Addressing the Ecological Effects of Domestic, Wild, and Feral Ungulates, Dominick A. DellaSala, Jonathan J. Rhodes, James R. Karr, Mary H. O'Brien, Thomas L. Fleischner, Debra L. Donahue, Robert L. Beschta, and Cindy Deacon Williams
New Nip in the Bud: Does the Obama Board's Preemptive Strike Doctrine Enhance Tactical Employment Law Strategies?, Michael C. Duff
A Rush to (Summary) Judgment in Franchisor Liability Cases?, Harvey Gelb
A Therapeutic Jurisprudential Framework of Estate Planning, Mark Glover
Evidentiary Privileges for Cohabiting Parents: Protecting Children Inside and Outside of Marriage, Mark Glover
Formal Execution and Informal Revocation: Manifestations of Probate's Family Protection Policy, Mark Glover
The Therapeutic Function of Testamentary Formality, Mark Glover
Sea Changes in Consumer Financial Protection: Stronger Bureau and Stronger Laws, Dee Pridgen
Equity and the Colorado River Compact, Jason Anthony Robison and Douglas S. Kenney
Submissions from 2011
Of Courage, Tumult, and the Smash Mouth Truth, Michael C. Duff
Monopoly of Violence, George A. Mocsary
Linguistic Hooks: Overcoming Adverse Cognitive Stock Structures in Statutory Interpretation, Michael R. Smith
Submissions from 2010
Judging by the Numbers: An Empirical Study of the Power of Story, Kenneth D. Chestek
Trampling the Public Trust, Debra L. Donahue
Canaries in the Coal Mine: The Tactical Use of the National Labor Relations Act to Aid in the Protection of Non-Union Workers Exposed to Pollutants, Michael C. Duff
Union Salts as Administrative Private Attorneys General, Michael C. Duff
An Arrow to the Heart: The Love and Death of Postmodern Legal Scholarship, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Do Supreme Court Nominees Lie? The Politics of Adjudication, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Empiricism, Religion, and Judicial Decision-Making, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Free Expression and Education: Between Two Democracies, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Free Speech, World War I, and Republican Democracy: The Internal and External Holmes, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Problem of Critique: Triangulating Habermas, Derrida, and Gadamer within Metamodernism, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Religious Minorities and the First Amendment: The History, the Doctrine, and the Future, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Theory and Politics of First-Amendment Protections: Why Does the Supreme Court Favor Free Expression Over Religious Freedom?, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Unenumerated Rights in Different Democratic Regimes, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Corporate Governance and the Independence Myth, Harvey Gelb
The Creation and Transmission of Justinian's Novels, Timothy G. Kearley
Submissions from 2009
Labor Injunctions in Bankruptcy: The Norris-Laguardia Firewall, Michael C. Duff
Divided We Fall: Religion, Politics, and the Lemon Entanglements Prong, Stephen Matthew Feldman
Limited Liability Policy and Veil Piercing, Harvey Gelb
'This Right is Not Allowed by Governments that are Afraid of the People': The Public Meaning of the Second Amendment When the Fourteenth Amendment was Ratified, George A. Mocsary, Nicholas James Johnson, and Clayton E. Cramer
Submissions from 2008
Embracing Paradox: Three Problems the NLRB Must Confront to Resist Further Erosion of Labor Rights in the Expanding Immigrant Workplace, Michael C. Duff
Justice Fred Blume and the Translation of Justinian's Code, Timothy G. Kearley
Explaining Away the Obvious: The Infeasibility of Characterizing the Second Amendment as a Nonindividual Right, George A. Mocsary
Alternative Substantive Approaches to Advanced Legal Writing Courses, Michael R. Smith
Levels of Metaphor in Persuasive Legal Writing, Michael R. Smith
Rhetoric Theory and Legal Writing: An Annotated Bibliography, Michael R. Smith
The Next Frontier: Exploring the Substance of Legal Writing, Michael R. Smith
Submissions from 2007
The Plot Thickens: The Appellate Brief as Story, Kenneth D. Chestek
Days without Immigrants: Analysis and Implications of the Treatment of Immigration Rallies under the National Labor Relations Act, Michael C. Duff
Submissions from 2006
MacCrate (In)Action: The Case for Enhancing the Upper-Level Writing Requirement in Law Schools, Kenneth D. Chestek
Submissions from 2005
The Transformation of an Academic Discipline: Law Professors in the Past and Future (or Toy Story Too), Stephen Matthew Feldman
Submissions from 1999
Bajakajian: New hope for escaping excessive fines under the civil false claims act, Melissa Ballengee Alexander